Is Business Coaching Expensive?

I think when people ask if business coaching is expensive they are either asking ‘Can I afford coaching?’ or ‘Is business coaching worth it?’. There are different kinds of coaching and there’s definitely something that will benefit your business and your budget.

1 on 1 Coaching

When people imagine business coaching their first thought is one-on-one coaching. This is the most expensive kind of coaching but for good reason.

Your coach will work with you on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis depending on your budget and your business needs. Before your coaching starts, you will have a chat with your coach to get clarity on where your business is currently and where you want it to be.

Different coaches have different prices and this is all based on their background and experience. A newer coach will obviously be cheaper but they won’t be as experienced.

Business coaching often gets referred to as a personal trainer for your business. Just like with personal trainers, you will achieve more with a more experienced coach.

One-on-one coaching does really work, one of our clients since working with us now have processes, systems and the right team in place and have managed a 400% increase in turnover.

Group Coachingis business coaching expensive

Group coaching is a cheaper alternative. There are so many ways your business can benefit from group coaching.

Numerous business owners will attend a group coaching session so not only are you benefitting from the actual coaching but it also acts as a networking event.

Although you will be working with your coach on your own plans, having other businesses around increases brainstorming opportunities. There will be businesses from different industries and listening to them can give you a fresh perspective on your plans.

As with one-on-one coaching, group coaching provides you with accountability. Without a coach, it can be very hard to hold yourself accountable. Every session you will be expected to have done the work your coach has set.

Being held accountable will help you concentrate on the important things that need doing.

Planning Days

For a lot of small and start-up businesses they think they can’t justify paying for coaching when in reality they are just trying to stay afloat. Planning days are a great idea for every business but especially smaller businesses that need help.

Many business owners get caught up in the day-to-day running of their business. Finding time to plan and reflect on what’s working and what isn’t can be difficult.

Planning days will make you take a day out of the business to really concentrate on what you want to achieve. Your coach will assist you in building a step-by-step, practical, plan. We offer 90 Day planning which then provides you a plan for every quarter.

Planning is essential for success. Planning days are a one off cost but their impact is great.

Is Coaching Worth It?

To answer simple, yes.

Every business will have a different budget and different goals they want to achieve but having a coach who is an expert in helping businesses grow will inevitably help your business.

Coaching can seem expensive but you should look at it as an investment. Yes you may be spending a bit of money now, but your coach will work with you to grow so eventually you will make that money back and then some.

Contact Us

business coach

When you hire a coach, you’re making a statement that you believe in your business, and it will succeed so, it’s important that you find the right business coach for your business.

To see how others have benefitted from coaching and to see if they think it’s worth it we have a few client testimonials.

If you’re ready to build your dream business then John McHale ActionCOACH can help. We offer a number of services, starting with a complimentary first meeting and free downloads that will benefit your business no matter the size of it.

John is an award-winning coach who has helped his clients grow.

Get in touch with our team to find out how we can help your business.