How To Be a Successful Business Owner

The main goal of being a business owner is to be a successful business owner. Being successful won’t happen overnight, as much as we wish it would.

We’ve put together a few tips on how to be as successful as possible.

Don’t Be Afraid of Failure

Every ‘failed attempt’ becomes a new learning experience. In life, as well as business, if we never made mistakes then we would never learn anything.

Mistakes help us take a step back, rethink, and reconsider new ways and strategies to achieve our goals.

Becoming a successful business owner is a journey. You will face setbacks, upsets and ‘failures’ but as long as you persevere with hard work and learning you will turn those ‘failures’ into successes.

Set Goals and Plan

If you have no goals then what are you working toward?

Setting goals and planning are essential in becoming a successful business owner. You wouldn’t leave a wedding or a holiday up to chance so why is your business any different?

Setting SMART goals is a good place to start. SMART goals are smaller goals that you set in order to help achieve the bigger goals. They help give you structure and help clarify what it is exactly that you want to achieve.

Planning is also crucial.

You can have billions of ideas in your head for what you want to achieve, but without getting them down into a proper business plan, the chances of them happening are very slim.

We advise that you set yourself and your team daily, weekly and monthly plans so that you can evaluate your progress.

Take A Risk

Risk taking can be terrifying but if we continue to make standard moves, then we will only achieve standard results.

We’re not telling you to bet everything you have but stepping outside your comfort zone can be liberating and can lead to exceptional results.

It can be easy to doubt ourselves, especially as a sole business owner, but not taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone could lead to wasted opportunities. Being open minded can really lead to lots of learning.

Networknetworking - successful business owner

A lot of people dread the thought of networking, talking to a load of new people that you don’t know can be daunting, but how are you going to be successful if you don’t step out of your comfort zone?

There are so many benefits of networking.

You get to meet so many new people and you can strengthen your business connections. If you’re a relatively new business owner, it gives you the opportunity to raise your profile.

Being part of a regular networking group, will help people become more familiar with what you do.

Creating good professional relationships while networking can lead to more customers. If you leave people with a good impression, they’re more likely to mention your name to a friend or family member who needs help with a service that you offer.


There are obviously many things involved in becoming a successful business owner but initially it’s about believing in yourself and not being afraid to take risks and put yourself out there. It is daunting, but if you have the passion you will succeed.

Contact Us

If you’re serious about really wanting to become a successful business owner then why not have a look at hiring a business coach?

When you hire a coach, you’re making a statement that you believe in your business, and it will succeed.

To see how others have benefitted from coaching and to see if they think it’s worth it we have a few client testimonials.

If you’re ready to build your dream business then John McHale ActionCOACH can help. We offer a number of services, starting with a complimentary first meeting and free downloads that will benefit your business no matter the size of it.

John is an award-winning coach who has helped his clients grow.

Get in touch with our team to find out how we can help your business.