Do I need a business coach?

Business Coach with a client.

A business coach can be invaluable to your business. Just like with sports, athletes wouldn’t be as successful if they didn’t have coaches helping them reach their full potential. Business coaches are no different.

It can be difficult to objectively look at your business when you’re working in it every day. Having a coach will allow you to take a step back and ultimately help you work on your business rather than in it.


Reasons You Need A Business Coach

Almost one out of six businesses are turning to coaches to improve themselves. So, why do you need a coach?

Business coaching is unique to the business but there are some common reasons why businesses need coaching.



It can be exceptionally difficult to hold yourself accountable when you are working in your business day in and day out. Actually, it can be very difficult to hold yourself accountable in everyday life.

As humans we don’t like to criticise ourselves, and often put our head in the sand when we know something isn’t right or working.

Having an extra bit of help is beneficial as it gives you someone to hold you accountable. They will work with you by demanding results, pushing you to your limits and congratulating you on your inevitable success.


Unbiased Opinion

Business coaches have years of experience and understand the daily struggles and stresses business owners face.

Working in the same industry for a while can cloud your judgement and it can be difficult to see anything but the processes you’re already using. It can be easy to lose sight of your overall goals.

Coaches will be able to use their years of business knowledge to provide you with a fresh and honest perspective of your business. A fresh set of eyes can make a real difference in helping you toward your goals whether that is making more profit or building the best team possible.


Work life balance

Coaching can help you manage your time better. Your business should be able to operate with or without you. A lot of business owners work long hours because without them, the business would fall apart.

If you are spending all your time in your business then you may need a business coach. They can help you build the perfect team so that you can spend time doing other things, whether that be being with family or having a hobby.

It is important to have other interests otherwise you can become bored or even sick of your business. Working alongside a coach can help reignite your passion for your business and work towards your goals.

One of our clients believes that coaching can be lifechanging, “We now have time to step back and evaluate our personal goals too.” – Known Media

We want every business to achieve and be the very best they can be so we have some free business supportto help you do just that.


Contact Us

If you think you’re in need of a coach, John McHale ActionCOACH can help. We offer a number of services, including one on one coaching,  that will benefit your business no matter the size of it.

John is an award-winning coach who has helped his clients grow and achieve numerous awards.

Do you need a business coach? Get in touch with our team to find out how we can help change the way you do business to achieve the results you deserve.