Why coaching?
We decided to look at business coaching and met John McHale at the Doncaster Business Showcase. We warmed to him straight away as he is an incredibly positive person. John captured us the way he spoke to us, his ideas really inspired us. Starting coaching initially was all about helping us to put systems in place but then equally important was improving our knowledge of setting targets, financial targets and goals for marketing and advertising and developing the business. It has been a real learning journey and we have adapting along the way to make sure that we can reach those goals and targets.
Why John?
John’s an incredibly positive person and very warm. In retail, especially in the current COVID Pandemic situation, it is easy to get down. John comes along and lifts you; he inspires you he is very sharp, very quick and he’s got the answers.
Impact of coaching?
When we closed our doors for the first time due to Covid, I was all for writing off 2020. John had more belief in what we could achieve and it’s incredible really for a High Street shop with four-month shop closures, we still matched last year’s revenue. Johns gives us ideas for marketing and strategies but more importantly he really pushes us to set stretch targets. In December, he gave us a target which was higher than December 19’s target but we smashed it anyway!